The most in demand AI jobs for 2019
When it comes to job adverts for AI, certain roles are significantly more common than others. UiPath looked at adverts from across the world to determine the most commonly advertised positions globally.
The world’s most common AI job roles
Not all countries have the same AI needs
While there are trends towards particular positions globally, certain job roles are more popular in some countries than others. While Poland leads when it comes to hiring software engineers versus other AI jobs, Australia’s demand is led by data scientist positions. India, meanwhile, is the leader when it comes to AI interns.
Which countries have the most AI jobs?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most AI jobs can be found in China, with the US, Japan and the UK in second, third and fourth. Much of the rest of the top 15 is made up of European and North American countries, with the only exceptions being India, Australia and Israel.
Number of AI jobs by country
Data courtesy of UiPath